Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Dangly

Ok, so nothing has really been going on lately. I was sick all November with a chest cold and was finally feeling better, but now suddenly I've got a head cold. I feel like maybe my immune isn't working, maybe I have AIDS or something. Anyway, I was thinking, what should I get Nicole for Christmas. Nicole has many interests: Movies, pop verisons of Disney songs, the cats, and 'danglies' (just like how it sounds. It's truely an art form and Nicole is a pro, refer to an earlier post of Nicole dangling in live action). It all started with Scroungy. At one point, mom had hung him over the back porch light to dry and in the process, burned off a limb. He eventually went MIA.

There have been many over the years: Simba, Lamb Chop, Charlie Horse, Pinky...and most recently - Bluey. Call me crazy, but maybe it's time for Bluey to retire.


Unknown said...

Oh, the danglies. Nicole really IS and expert dangler. I think you answered your own question about what to get Nicole for Christmas.

Danielle said...

Yowza! Now, was Bluey a dangley that Noelle gave Nicole? I recommend going to the pet store. I think there might be some danglies there. And for the record, Scroungy was the only thing I wanted for Christmas when I was 10 or so. Santa had it good that year. I think he only cost him $10 dolla to make. That one's for you Laura. Good times...china town, NY 2004!!!

Noelle said...

Yowza is exactly what I thought when I saw that picture. I didn't realize that bluey looked that bad. You would never know that at one time he was a cute bunny, poor thing.

Danielle said...

Funny, I never really knew what bluey was. I guess I never really saw him/her much with limbs, etc. Thanks, Noelle, for sharing what he originally was!